Wednesday, 16 January 2013

10 Guidelines for the establishment of a successful Islamic Society

Develop 10 guidelines for the establishment of a successful Islamic Society- examinining the Seerah of our Prophet(peace be upon him) in the Madinah Period

In the 14th year of Prophethood the Prophet(p) migrated to Madinah on Allahs(swt) instructions. It was now becoming more & more difficult for the Muslims to practice their religion in Makkah. The Prophet(p) of Allah & the followers of Islam now needed a peaceful place where they could establish this Deen & to further the Oneness of Allah(swt).
The first thing on arriving in Madinah the Prophet(p) build Masjid Quba. This was the first mosque built after Prophethood descended on the Prophet(p) & was built on piety & righteousness.
“A place of worship which was founded upon duty to Allah from the first day is more worthy that you should stand to pray in it, in which are men who love to purify themselves”[1]

Strong Leader, Guide & Visionary
It was now time for the Prophet of Allah(swt) to erect the pillars of a new society.  Under his vision, guidance & strong leadership people were moved towards contributing & laying down the foundations of this new society.
The Prophet(p) knew that the migration was not easy either for the Emigrants or for the helpers. Many people had also become sick due to an epidemic of Malaria in Madinah. The Prophet(p) consistently encouraged everyone reminding them of the good in the hereafter. The encouragement he provided as a leader encouraged people to move forward & towards building of a healthier society. On this occasion he said:

“Anyone of my Ummah who endures the harshness of Madinah will have me as his intercessor & witness on the day of resurrection, for it will be placed in it by someone who is better than he.”[2]
Building of Masjid Nabwi
The Prophet(p) first moved towards establishing the relationship of the Ummah with Allah(swt). He purchased a piece of land & the Mosque was built there. The Prophet(p) along with the people toiled in the sun to build this mosque. This further encouraged the Muslims to work & sacrifice in the way of their Lord. This mosque was going to be an institution where the Muslims could come & worship together, knowledge would be imparted, a place for complete spiritual & material guidance. This is wherein all the affairs of the Muslims were administered and consultative and executive councils held.[3]
Enmity between the Aus & Khazraj put to an end
The enmity between the Aus & Khazraj was put to an end. They were made to live as neighbours & the separate identities of the two tribes was merged into a single identity & came to be known as the Ansar.
The Muhajireen had left all their wealth & land and made much sacrifice in order to uphold the Deen of Allah(swt), to be governed completely by the revelation & to seek the true pleasure of their Lord & migrated to Medina. The Prophet(p) knew that it was a difficult time for everyone & so he established bonds of brotherhood between the inhabitants of Makkah (Ansar) & the emigrants (Muhajireen). The Ansar were ready to divide & share everything they had & the Muhajireen did not exploit their brothers either.

This brotherhood dissolved all the tribal based affiliations, enmities, distinctions of race, kindred & elevated the Islamic principle that one can only be better than the other on the basis of his piety & God consciousness. Love, sharing, sacrifice was the main basis of this brotherhood. If this wasn’t the case there would be hatred, jealousy, greed & tribal bias in there society.

The Saheefa- Role of the Muslims in the society
Under the Saheefa Muslims & those who strove alongside with them are united as one, to be against those who seek to spread enmity, a believer should not unjustly kill another believer, a disbeliever should not be supported against another believer, the believers who hold by what is in this document shall not help or give refuge to a criminal etc.

Rights of Neighbours
“He will not enter paradise, whose neighbor is not secure from his wrongful conduct.”

Rights of other believers
“None of you believes till one likes for his brother that which he loves for himself.”[4]
“The believers are like the human body, if one part feels the pain the entire body suffers.”[5]
“A Muslim is the brother of a Muslim, he neither oppresses him nor does he hand him over to another oppressor.”[6]

If a believer was to be killed with no good reason then this would lead to retribution or unless the heirs would consider it otherwise. The Jews who would follow them shall have aid, help & shall not be injured nor any enemy be aided against them.

Relationship with the Non Muslims
The Prophet(p) did not ignore or overlook the relationship that was to be between the Muslims & the Non Muslim tribes of Arabia. The treaty with the Jews stated clearly that if attacked by a third party each shall come to the help of the other, Muslims & Jews shall hold counsel with the other based on righteousness, neither shall be prejudiced against the other, wronged party would be aided, freedom to profess their religion etc.

Madinah was to remain sacred for all those who joined the treaty. The Quraish were to be boycotted commercially, each shall help in defending Madinah & in case of disagreement arising between the people then it was to be referred to the Prophet(p).

Peace & Cooperation
The terms in favor of the Non Muslims in the Saheefa & the treaty clearly showed that the Prophet(p) wanted to establish the society on peace, cooperation & justice.

For a successful Islamic society to be established we need a Muslim leader who can guide the people under his leadership. He must understand the needs of his people & rule by the laws of Allah(swt). We need to have mosques where the true Islamic Knowledge has to be imparted in order to spiritually guide the people & where their issues are addressed.
A society has to be rid of racism, bias & enmities. Only then we can move forward & feel the real essence of brotherhood that was felt at that time in Madinah.  The Shariah has to be implemented so that everyone has rights & duties. Islam encourages establishing a society on unity, peace & most importantly justice.

[1] (, (9:108))
[2] (Sahih Muslim, Musnad )
[3] (Mubarakpuri)
[4] (Nawawi)
[5] (Muslim)
[6] (Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim)

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