Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Follow the Qur'an & the Sunnah of the Prophet(peace be upon him)

Follow the Qu'ran & the Sunnah of the Prophet(peace be upon him)

The final book Qur’an was revealed to Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) who is the final Prophet & Messenger of Allah(swt). We as muslims are bound to follow the Sunnah which has been left for us by the Prophet(peace be upon him). For the Sunnah along with the Qur’an is part of revelation.
Allah(swt) says in the Quran,
“Indeed, I have revealed the Reminder, I will, indeed, protect it”[1]

We are not allowed to deviate from the path which has been prescribed by the Prophet(pbuh). He is the best example send to us by Allah(swt). His entire life has been recorded in the form of hadith. People who tend to reject hadith also reject the Qur’an as the words & actions of the Prophet(pbuh) give us the correct interpretation of the commandments of Allah(swt).
Allah(swt) says in the Quran,
“And whatever the Messenger has given you - take; and what he has forbidden you - refrain from. And fear Allah ; indeed, Allah is severe in penalty.”[2]

Hadith of the Saved Sect
Ibn ‘Umar reported that Allaah’s messenger said, “What happened to the children of Israel will surely happen to my nation, step by step. So much so that if there are those who openly have sex with their mothers, among them there will be among my nation those who do that. Surely the Israelites splintered into seventy-two sects and my nation will splinter into seventy-three sects, all of which will be in the fire except one.” When the (Sahaabah) asked “Which sect is it, O Messenger of Allaah?” He replied, “The one followed by my companions and myself.”[3]

The Prophet(pbuh) in this hadith mentioned how the Jews & Christians broke away into sects. He then prophesized that Muslims would also deviate & break away into 73 sects. It was a warning for us as the Christians & Jews by way of deviation, by making changes to the words & interpretation of the books they held differed & thus broke away from the real essence of the religion that was send to them.
The Hadith ends by saying that all sects that the Muslims breakaway into will be in the fire of hell except those that follow him & his companions. In another narration it says the one saved will be those who stick closely to the Jam’ah.
Hadith Classification & Sources
This hadith is found in At-Tirmidhi & classified as Daeef hadith[4]. It is also found in Sunan Abu Dawood hadith 4597 & Musnad ahmad with reliable narrations[5].  It is classed as Saheeh by Al- Haakim, who said “It is an important hadith that represents a basic principle. It was classed hasan by Ibn Hajr Asqalani in his book Takhreej al Kashshaafi. It is also classed as saheeh by Ibn Taymiyah in Majmoo al Fataawa, al shaatibi in al itisaam and al- Iraaqi in Takhreej al Ihya. It is mentioned frequently and often quoted as evidence by the scholars in the books of Sunnah. It was narrated  by many Sahabah through many chains of narrations, mostly mentioning the number of sects  as 73.[6]

73 sects
The only sect that will find their place in the midst of paradise is the ahl-al-sunnah wal-jamah. They are those who will follow the Qur’an, Sunnah of the Prophet(peace be upon him), his companions & stay close to the scholarly consensus.
The scholars of Ahl al sunnah wal-jamah have said that the other 72 sects are the misguided & doomed innovated groups. This is so because of the ideas & grave innovations they have brought into Islam. But in most cases they are not regarded as kaafirs, rather they are regarded as Muslim Sects.[7]
Imam Taymiyah(ra) said that groups that hypocrites fall into are inwardly kaafir, whereas those who within their hearts believe in Allah(swt) & his Prophet(pbuh) are not inwardly kaafir even though some of their interpretation may not be inline. Some of them may have qualities of hypocrisy that would lead them into hellfire or they might not have that level of hypocrisy to doom them to the hell fire.
Imam Taymiyah(r.a) also said that it is not permissible for us to label all the 72 sects as being kaafirs. For if we get into this practice this will lead us to be outside the fold of the Quran, sunnah, consensus of the Sahaba & the view of the imams.
Nevertheless some of the sects may be out of the fold of Islam like the extreme raafidis, the druze, nusairis and others.
Causes for the emerging of different sects
Sects have broken away from mainstream Islam because they differed with the ways prescribed by the Prophet (peace be upon him) & the ways of the companions of the Prophet(pbuh).  The Khawarijites preferred their personal opinions over the opinion of Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him). They also rebelled against the command of the muslim leaders for the time that the sect survived. The Prophet (peace be upon him) had advised the muslims to stay close to the jam’ah & to follow the command of the ruler even if he be an Ethiopian slave.  The Prophet of Allaah said, the Khaarijites will be the dogs of hell’s inhabitants. Therefore one who calls himself a part of this sect is doomed for the hellfire & is outside the fold of Islam.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
“Surely whoever among you who lives after me will see great disputes, so adhere to my Sunnah and that of the rightly- guided Caliphs who will come after me. Stick closely to this Sunnah, bite into it with your molars and beware of newly invented matters (in religion) for every invented matter (in religion)is a cursed innovation (Bid‘ah) which leads astray.”[8]
The Shias have splintered into being another sect by making an additional pillar in this religion, imamate. They have given the qualities of Allah(swt) to their Imams by calling them infallible & knower of the unseen. Some Shias are outside the fold of Islam as per scholarly view while some of the sects within the shias are labeled as Kafirs due to the innovations they have introduced in the methods of worship. They even believe that all of the companions of the Prophet(peace be upon him) apostated except a few.
Some Sufi groups elevate the status of the Prophet(pbuh) over that of Allah(Swt) which excludes them from the fold of Islam. Others have committed kufr by innovating in the religion. They have introduced modes of worship and practices which are not present in the Sunnah of the Prophet(pbuh) such as celebrating his birthday etc. Sufi groups that permit worshipping of graves & the dead are outside the fold of Islam as this is shirk akbar.
The Ismailis consider themselves Muslim but are outside the fold of Islam. They believe in Aga Khan to be their spiritual leader who has keys to the unseen. Their modes of worship, their place of worship, their books are all separate. The Batinites are also outside the fold of Islam as their beliefs and actions are totally contrary to Islaam. The end result of their philosophy is the negation of the Creator; invalidation of Prophethood and worship; and the denial of the hereafter.[9]

The Prophet(peace be upon him) commanded us to stick close to his Sunnah & to hold fast to the rope of Allah(swt), ‘the Quran’.  He forbade us from associating anything to him which he has not said or done. Sects that have broken away from the ahl-al-Sunnah wal Jam’ah have splintered into sects by taking the deviant paths paved by the Satan. Practising Bid’ah is one of the major reasons which has lead these groups to commit Kufr or be completely outside the fold of Islam. Therefore as Muslims we must strive hard in order to follow the Prophets (pbuh) path without doing any act which has not been prescribed by him or Allah(swt). The book of Allah(swt) should be interpreted in a way as done by the Prophet(pbuh), his companions & the pious predecessors.
On one occasion the Prophet of Allah (pbuh) drew a line in the dust with his hand and said, “This is the straight path of Allaah.” Then he drew a series of lines to the right and to the left of it and said, “Each of these paths has a devil at its head inviting people to it.” He then recited, “Verily this is my straight path so follow it and do not follow the (twisted) paths.”[10]

[1] Surah Al Hijr (15:9), page 7,Book- Fundamentals of Hadith by Dr Bilal Philips
[2] (www.Quran.com, 59:7)
[3] (Tirmidhi)
[4] (Jawzee)
[5] (Mishkaah, vol.1,p.61)
[6] (www.Islamqa.com)
[7] (www.islamqa.com, q#90112)
[8] (Tirmidhi A. D.)
[9] (Jawzee, The Devils Deception)
[10] (an-nasaee)

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