Saturday, 13 July 2013

Hadith- Hasan Lighairihi

Hadith- Hasan Lighairihi

The Qur’an was revealed by Allah(swt) through Angel Jibrael (a.s) to our last Messenger Muhammad(pbuh). The Prophet(pbuh) not only explained the words of Allah(swt) to us but he was the living Quran. His words, actions, sayings have all been recorded known as Hadith. Everything he said & did was by the command of Allah(swt) & the Quran & Hadith has been preserved ever since.
“He does not speak out of his own desires; indeed what he says is revelation.”[1]

If one has to understand the Quran then one has to study what the Prophet(pbuh) said or did relating to it. It was due to the science of narration, collection & criticism that the hadith of the Prophet(pbuh) have been preserved till today[2].
“Indeed, I have revealed the Reminder, I will, indeed, protect it.”[3]

Every hadith is made up of two things, the matn(text) & the isnaad. The Isnaad is the chain of narrators who have narrated the hadith. The Isnaad became a very integral part of Islam because people could not fabricate hadith & fool the people by attributing it to the Prophet(pbuh). By way of the isnaad & ways of checking the authenticity of each narration the scholars ended up preserving the hadith for us & for the generations to come.
Abdullaah Ibn al-Mubarak said:

“The isnaad is from the religion. Were it not for the isnaad anyone could say anything he wished.”

Classification of Hadith

The science of hadith developed known as Ilm Mustlah al Hadith which would distinguish between authentic narrations & fabricated ones.[4] The early scholars of hadith generally classified the hadith into Sahih hadith, daeef hadith & Imam Tirmidhi categorized Hasan hadith to distinguish them from the daeef hadith.

Hasan Hadith

Hasan hadith is one which is graded between Sahih(authentic) & daeef(weak). It has been defined by Imam Tirmidhi(r.a) as a hadeeth that does not have in its chain a narrator suspected of lying, nor does it conflict with superior texts and it is transmitted via more than one chain of similar strength.[5]

Al-Khattabi  says,

"It is the one where its source is known and its reporters are unambiguous."[6]

It means that a hadith is graded Hasan when none of its narrators is of a doubtful nature such as with mursal or munqati hadith.

Ibn al-Salah classifies hasan into two categories on the condition that they are free from any irregularities. One with an isnad containing a reporter from whom none of the prominent people reported but is not careless in his reporting & a similar text from another chain has been reported as well. Second with an isnad containing a reporter who is known to be truthful and reliable, but is a degree less in his memory of hadith in comparison to the reporters of sahih hadith.[7]

Al-Dhahabi says,
"A hasan hadith is one which excels the da'if but nevertheless does not reach the standard of a sahih hadith."[8]

According to Ibn Al Salah & Imam Tirmidhi a number of daeef or weak hadith can be upgraded to the level of hasan if the weakness in their narrators is of a lesser degree. This type of hasan hadith is called Hasan Lighairihi (hasan due to others). But if the narrator is accused of lying or the hadith itself is shahdh then even a number of weak hadith cannot support each other to upgrade it to Hasan Lighairihi.

If the weakness in a hadith is due to the weakness in the memory of the narrator or the narrators & not due to lying or indecent behavior. And if there are other hadith supporting it then it is reclassified as Hadith Hasan Lighairihi. One has to look at the weakest narrator or link in the isnaad. If he is a liar (kahtaab) then no matter how many hadith support it it is classified as Fabricated.

Difference between Hasan Dhaatihi & Hasan Lighairihi

Ibn Hajar said Hadith Hasan is on which is  transmitted by upstanding narrators in a continuous chain of narration, free from any hidden defects or conflict with superior texts. Except that it contains a narrator or narrators whose accuracy is inferior. Such a hadeeth is regarded as hasan lithaatih (hasan by itself). A hadeeth is considered hasan if it fulfills all the requirements of Sihhah except Dabt (accuracy).[9]

Hasan Dhaatihi can be elevated to the level of a Sahih if it is endorsed by another hadith with a stronger chain, in which case it would be called Hasan Lighairihi, hasan because of external evidence whereas hasan dhaatihi is hasan for its own sake.[10]

Ruling on Hadith Hasan

Hadith hasan is considered by the scholars in formulating the laws & for establishing Islamic Laws. They are considered until & unless abrogated or superseded by Sahih Hadith.


The efforts of the early scholars who developed the methods to classify the hadith after examining the hadith, its chain (isnaad), the narrators & other things is highly commendable. Their efforts have enabled the hadith of the Prophet(pbuh) to be preserved up to this day. Without the hadith one cannot completely understand the Quran or follow the Prophet(pbuh). Allah(swt) not only promised to protect the Quran but also preserved the life of the Prophet(pbuh) so that we could follow his footsteps to become a better muslim.

[1] (Qur'an (53:3-4))
[2] (Philips, Usool al Hadith, pg7)
[3] (Qur'an, (15:9))
[4] (Philips, Usool ul Hadith, pg35)
[5] (Philips, Usool ul Hadith, Pg41)
[6] (Hasan)
[7] (Hasan)
[8] (Hasan)
[9] (Philips)
[10] (Kamali)

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