Saturday, 27 July 2013

Surah Yaaseen- (36:37-40)

In the light of the Qur’aan, the Sunnah and the statements of the Companions and the scholars, compilation of a commentary of aayah number 37 to 40 of Soorah Yaaseen. 

Surah Yaaseen is the 36th chapter of the Qur’an. It was entirely revealed in Makkah except the 12th verse which was revealed in Madina. Just like all the Makkan Surahs aim to lay the foundation of Faith & Tawheed so does Surah Yaaseen. It starts with the letters Yaa & Seen, known as Huroof Muqataat (the disjointed letters).

Virtues of Surah Yaaseen

Surah Yaaseen is most popularly read by Muslims due to its virtues but none of these virtues have been narrated through authentic chains of narration. Either the narrations are weak, strange or fabricated. Therefore none of these should be considered.

“Whoever enters a graveyard and recites Soorah YaaSeen, Allaah will reduce his sins that day and he will have good deeds for every letter from it.”[1]


In the verses beginning verse 33 Allah(subhanao’tala) talks about the different signs that are surrounding us. How Allah(subhanao’tala) revives the dead earth & brings forward from it grain & fruits from for us to eat. This is a clear sign for those who reflect, that if Allah(subhanao’tala) can revive that dead land that shows no signs then He can also bring the dead back to life.
“Indeed, He who has given it life to the earth is the Giver of Life to the dead.”[2]

Then the Surah mentions Allah(subhanao’tala) signs in the palmtrees & grapevines. One can truly reflect by looking at the diversity in Allahs creation. Both producing dates & grapes something that the human hand cannot create.

Then the Surah talks about how Allah(subhanao’tala) has created everything in pairs. Whether human beings, plants, fruits, crops or animals. If we only reflect on these plans, creations & diversities of Allah(subhanao’tala) it will only strengthen our Imaan’s further & make those who disbelieve to think.

“And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquillity in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought.”[3]


Verse 37
Another sign for them is the night: We strip the daylight from it, and they are plunged in darkness[4]

Among the signs of the might & power of Allah(subhanao’tala) are the night & day, & the sun and moon.[5] In verse 37, Allah(subhanao’tala) talks about how we are experiencing the daylight caused by the Sun & then the very same day is plunged into darkness.

“And a sign for them is the night. We withdraw there from the day.”[6]

In Tafsir Ibn Kathir, they have used the word withdraw. The day withdraws meaning that the day is taken away, it goes away & the night which is one of the signs of Allah(subhanao’tala) appears leaving the people in darkness[7].

“He brings the night as a cover over the day, seeking it rapidly.”[8]

In this Verse the term ‘Naslakh’ means to peel off. With the gradual removal of the day the night appears. The day is gradually taken away so that humans & other living creatures have enough time finding suitable place of rest[9]. As the earth is rotating on its axis that part of the earth that faces the sun experiences the day, as the rotation of the earth changes that very part of the earth is stripped off the day so as to plunge it into darkness. Thus, the way Allah(subhanao’tala) has worded this verse accurately describes the reality.[10]

Verse 38
The sun also runs its set course: that is laid down by the will of the Almighty, the All-Knowing.[11]

Then Verse 38 mentions the magnanimous creation of Allah(subhanao’tala), the Sun. Previously, it was held that the sun stays in its position but turns around its axis, but it has recently been confirmed that it moves in a single direction in the great universal space[12]. The term Mustaqarr means ‘settling place’ and the sun has an appointed place & time where its course will end. Modern astronomy confirms that the solar system is indeed moving in space towards a point situated in the constellation of Hercules (alpha lyrae) whose exact location has been precisely calculated and given the name “the solar apex.[13]

Wherever the sun is it keeps on moving day & night, never slowing down or stopping, it is always beneath the throne. Another view that one can deduce from this verse is that the suns appointed time will come to an end on the day of resurrection, when the sun will halt & be rolled up.[14]

This is verily the decree of the Almighty & All knowing Allah(subhanao’tala) which if He allows to happen cannot be stopped & if he doesn’t allow to happen you cannot make it happen. He has set the planets in motion & only He knows about their movements & when they are supposed to seize or stop.

“[He is] the cleaver of daybreak and has made the night for rest and the sun and moon for calculation. That is the determination of the Exalted in Might, the Knowing.[15]

The Sun is not only the sign of Allah(subhanao’tala) but also a blessing for the humanity. It allows us to calculate the days & the time.

Verse 39
And for the moon We have determined phases until it finally becomes like an old date stalk.

One can see the magnanimity of Allah(subhanao’tala) in the creation of the Moon. We can calculate the passing of the months by way of the size & day of the moon. In the beginning it is a hair line crescent, increases in size in the middle of the month until it again decreases in size like an old date stalk & disappears at the end of the month. The humans have a similar cycle, they are born weak, then they gain strength & beauty & then again become weak in their old age.

Just as night & day are known by the sun, the passing of the months is known by the moon.

“They ask you about the crescent moons. Say: "These are signs to mark fixed periods of time for mankind and for the pilgrimage”[16]

Verse 40
Neither the sun can overtake the moon, nor can the night outrun the day. Each floats in its own orbit.[17]

When the sun is shining the night cannot overtake the day until it gradually moves away. In the same manner the sun cannot suddenly appear at night causing it to be day. The word night is used here & not moon because the moon does not bring about the night.
Mujahid said, "Each of them has a limit which it does not transgress or fall short of. When the time of one comes, the other goes away, and when the time for one to prevail comes, the time of the other ceases.''

He also said, that there is no gap between night and day; each of them follows the other with no interval, because they have been subjugated and are both constantly pursuing one another.[18]
The Sun & moon both swim in their own orbits. We cannot use the word float for that would mean that they don’t use their own motion or movement whereas both orbit & revolve on their own axis. Every planet & star has its own orbit that it follows accurately.

Verily, man is in no need of Angels or God himself descending on the earth. We are surrounded by the creations of Allah(subhanao’tala), & each one of his creation is a sign. We need to reflect on how everything has been created following a set pattern & with precise measurement. May it be the Sun or its orbit, the Moon & its sizes, the earth & how its produce comes forth or how the night overtakes the day plunging us into darkness. If only we can contemplate on these 4 verses, it will only strengthen us in the faith we have in Allah (subhanao’tala) & will be a source of Imaan for those who don’t believe.

“Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day are signs for those of understanding.”[19]

[1] (Daeef Al Jami as Sagheer, no 5606)
[2] (
[3] ( (. )
[4] (Qutb)
[5] (Kathir)
[6] (Kathir,
[7] (Kathir,
[8] ( (. )
[9] (Philips)
[10] (Qutb)
[11] (Qutb)
[12] (Qutb)
[13] (Philips)
[14] (Kathir,
[15] ( (. )
[16] (Ibn Kathir)
[17] (Qutb)
[18] (Kathir,
[19] ( (. )

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